Lo mejor de… Chaos Computer Club

El Club de Computación Caos (CCC) es la mayor asociación de hackers en Europa, y una de las organizaciones digitales más influyentes y activa en la lucha por la total transparencia de los poderes públicos, la libertad de información, el derecho humano a la comunicación y el acceso universal y gratuito a los ordenadores y la infraestructura tecnológica. Las conferencias que se desarrollan en sus congresos ilustran las complejas formas en que política y tecnología interactúan en el mundo actual.

The Precariat: A Disruptive Class for Disruptive TimesGuy StandingEl capitalismo rentista, surgido a partir de 1994 con la extensión del sistema norteamericano de derechos de propiedad intelectual (TRIPS), ha hecho que una creciente proporción de los ingresos mundiales vayan a los dueños de la propiedad. Este sistema de distribución de las rentas está roto, no sólo ha destruido el poder adquisitivo de las rentas del trabajo y el libre mercado, sino que ha creado una nueva estructura de clases global con fuertes desigualdades de renta y cada vez más polarizada. Las desigualdades deben ser reducidas mediante un nuevo sistema de distribución de rentas capaz de reciclar los excedentes de los plutócratas hacia el precariado. La renta básica universal, gracias a sus efectos emancipatorios, puede ser una política clave para alcanzar este objetivo2018-12-2700:57:58Ficha
Financial surveillanceJasmin Klofta & Tom WillsFaced with new responsibilities to prevent terrorism and money laundering, banks have built a huge surveillance infrastructure sweeping up millions of innocent people. Investigative journalists Jasmin Klofta and Tom Wills explain how, as part of an international collaboration, they exposed World-Check, the privately-run watchlist at the heart of the system. An accidental leak granted a rare opportunity for journalists to examine a database used to make decisions affecting people and organisations all over the world. They include a mosque that had its bank account shut without explanation, activists blacklisted for a peaceful protest, and ordinary citizens whose political activities were secretly catalogued. We will show how we used data mining, OSINT and traditional investigative techniques to analyse the World-Check database and discover the human impact of this Kafkaesque system, which is used by almost every major bank and many other institutions including law enforcement agencies. The resulting story made front page news in the UK, Germany, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands and the USA. We will also ask whether we really want banks to be held responsible for the crimes of their customers? Are Financial Intelligence Units a sensible precaution, or are they pre-crime agencies?2017-12-2800:59:05Ficha
Pointing Fingers at 'The Media' [34c3]alebeyThe German election in September 2017 brought a tectonic shift to the layout of German politics. With the AfD in parliament far-right illiberalism has reached the mainstream. We investigate the communicative developments underlying this rise. Using web-scraping and automated content analysis, we collected over 10.000 articles from mainstream-news and far-right blogs, along with over 90GBs of Tweets and thousands of Facebook-Posts. Se discute como el efecto del agenda-setting de los medios puede alterar ele resultado de las elecciones si se privilegian los problemas (issues) propios de una opción política.2017-12-2700:57:02Ficha
Dude, you broke the Future!Charles StrossCharles Stross nos ofrece su visión de qué es lo que ha salido mal en el siglo XXI a través de un paralelismo entre la evolución de la empresa de responsabilidad limitada y la Inteligencia artificial (IA). Ambas tienen un objetivo predefinido e inmutable, cuya consecución tratan de maximizar en un entorno en el que compiten por recursos escasos (en el caso de la IA, la atención humana) de forma cada vez más eficiente, incluso en detrimento de la sociedad en su conjunto. Dado que su supervivencia depende de alcanzar dichos objetivos a un ritmo suficiente para no morir ni ser "depredadas" por un competidor, tienden a manipular su entorno legal, físico y social, para asegurar que siguen alcanzando sus objetivos a toda costa... capturando las instituciones políticas y produciendo profundas transformaciones sociales en el proceso.

Esto, sumado a se optó por financiar el despliegue de Internet a través de la publicidad, ha hecho las empresas y las IA compitan por la atención humana.. para lo cual requieren saber quienes somos, cómo llamar nuestra atención (no necesariamente con contenidos placenteros) y cómo reaccionamos. Dicha información ya está siendo utilizada para avanzar las agendas de la IA mediante técnicas como la manipulación electoral mediante el micro-targetting votantes indecisos en distritos claves o la creación de vídeos y audios indistinguibles de la realidad mediante redes neuronales... pero abre nuevas posibilidades como el acoso geolocalizado o la cacería humana a lo Pokemo GO!
Handshakes, Citizen Science and Evolution [esp17]Vince KnightDos lagartos situados en una situación calamitosa deciden cooperar de forma espontánea y creativa. ¿Cómo es esto posible? En la charla se expone como los comportamientos cooperativos surgen de forma espontánea en un entorno evolutivo en el que existen interacciones recurrentes entre los mismos participantes. La utilización de un algoritmo genético para desarrollar estrategias para "El dilema del prisionero" resulta en el desarrollo de estrategias capaces de maximizar los resultados, tanto propios como colectivos (equilibrio de Nash), que se caracterizan por ser capaces de reconocer a sus iguales a través de un "saludo" identificativo y adaptar su estrategia ante extraños que pudieran intentar abusar de ellos.2017-08-3100:17:39Ficha
Keynote: How to Fix a Scientific Culture: Psychology as a Cautionary Tale and Paragon [esp17]Julia RohrerEl modelo de investigación de las ciencias sociales adolece de graves problemas. Los recientes intentos fallidos de replicar estudios clásicos en psicología han puesto de manifiesto la existencia de prácticas cuestionables de investigación que ponen en tela de juicio la solidez del conocimiento científico... desde publicar sólo las investigaciones exitosas o utilizar los mismos datos para estudios distintos, hasta ajustar la muestra para alcanzar los niveles de significatividad estadística deseados. Pero el problema no es sólo de los investigadores, ya que la comunidad científica está tan centrada en publicar que no se revisan los estudios, hasta el punto de que incongruencias matemáticas pasan desapercibidas por años, hasta que alguien se toma la molestia de revisarlas. Rohrer propone algunas soluciones al estado actual de la investigación científica como prerregistrar las investigaciones antes de realizarlas, publicar los datos y análisis brutos realizados o recurrir al crowdsourcing2017-08-3001:01.03Ficha
Cyborgs Unite! [froscon17]Karen SandlerWhen Karen discovered at a young age that she had a life threatening heart condition, the last thing she expected was to have to worry about software. Now, with a heart device implanted in her body, she has come to understand not only how vulnerable medical devices are but how we are making critical choices about software that will have huge societal impact. Karen will talk about the hacks which show how essential free and open source software is and will discuss her professional and personal view of the issues both as a patient and as a cyborg lawyer. Karen will also touch on potential avenues for accountability, transparency, and access to remedies as we hurtle towards an Internet of Things built on proprietary source code that prevents us from knowing exactly how these vital devices work, what data they are collecting and to what ends, what their vulnerabilities might be, and the extent to which their closed, proprietary nature keeps us from developing societal mechanisms and review processes to keep us safe2017-08-1900:53:38Ficha
Smart, safe & happy [SHA2017]Ancilla van de LeestPrivacy-minded charities have a hard time going up against silicon valley's army of corporate lawyers. Digital rights are becoming increasingly important in society, but politicians fail to come up with answers. Across the world law after law is being passed, eroding our civil liberties. Ancilla has been fighting to keep our digital rights for the past 5 years. At SHA she will share her lessons and thoughts on what comes next2017-08-0600:52:52Ficha
How hackers could have hacked all Dutch elections since 2009 [SHA2017]Sijmen RuwhofIn this talk I'll present my findings when researching the security of the Dutch voting system. I quickly found various important security mistakes which would made it very easy to tamper with the results. Based on my research the Dutch government dumped the voting software. #NetworkSecurity #DeviceSecurity2017-08-0600:54:25Ficha
Building Businesses that we can Buy Into and Believe In [SHA2017]Liz SteiningerIn the age of corporate surveillance, invasive ad-driven business models and lucrative zero-days, it is no surprise that the words “profitable business” can sound destructive to internet freedom and human rights. However, if we want to change this trend and have a lasting impact, we need to make sure we can build profitable businesses on privacy-friendly and open source technologies, that respect all humans, without bias.2017-08-0600:57:27Ficha
Interplanetary Colonization
the state at the beginning of the 21st Century [33c3]
Liz George & Peter BuschkampThe long term survival of the human species requires that we become an interplanetary species. But we must answer two big questions: where are we going, and how do we get there? We explore what scientists know (and don’t know) about humanity’s potential future homes both inside and outside the solar system, and then we’ll dive into the technological challenges of (and potential solutions for) getting humans to and colonizing a new planet.2016-12-3000:33:52Ficha
Saving the World with (Vegan) Science [33c3]Benjamin RupertDescribing the science behind new high tech vegan foods which will replace animal agriculture. I will also discuss the potential impact to lessen the severity of climate change and give an update on the Real Vegan Cheese biohacker project.
An Elevator to the Moon (and back) [33c3]Markus LandgrafWhy is it so hard to go to the Moon? The curse of Newtonian Mechanics and Tsiolkovsky's Rocket Equation force us to build huge rockets to achieve any meaningful activity on the Moon. There are two strategies to hack the laws of celestial mechanics: making fuel on the Moon and using cables to climb out of the gravity well. Here we focus on the latter, which is the Moon version of the famous space elevator. The difference to an Earth elevator is - anelevator to the Moon's surface is realistic with today's materials. In the talk an introduction to the general problem is given and a starting point for a discussion is given that can easily lead to a sustainable access to the Moon if there is demand to do so.2016-12-2901:01:28Ficha
Talking Behind Your Back [33c3]Vasilios Mavroudis and Federico MaggiIn the last two years, the marketing industry started to show a fast increasing interest in technologies for user cross-device tracking, proximity tracking, and their derivative monetization schemes. To meet these demands, a new ultrasound-based technology has recently emerged and is already utilized in a number of different real-world applications. Ultrasound tracking comes with a number of desirable features (e.g., easy to deploy, inaudible to humans), but alarmingly until now no comprehensive security analysis of the technology has been conducted. In this talk, we will publish the results of our security analysis of the ultrasound tracking ecosystem, and demonstrate the practical security and privacy risks that arise with its adoption. Subsequently, we will introduce some immediately deployable defense mechanisms for practitioners, researchers, and everyday users. Finally, we will initiate the discussion for the standardization of ultrasound beacons, and outline our proposed OS-level API that enables both secure and effortless deployment for ultrasound-enabled applications.2016-12-2900:59:03Ficha
Stopping law enforcement hacking [33c3]Christopher SoghoianWe didn’t win the second crypto wars. Governments merely made a strategic retreat and they’ll be back. Although they will likely give up on trying to regulate or prohibit encryption, we should expect that malware and law enforcement hacking will play a starring role in the next battle in the crypto wars.
Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? Becoming a secret travel agent [33c3]Karsten Nohl & Nemanja NikodijevicTravel booking systems are among the oldest global IT infrastructures, and have changed surprisingly little since the 80s. The personal information contained in these systems is hence not well secured by today's standards. This talk shows real-world hacking risks from tracking travelers to stealing flights.2016-12-2800:59:44Ficha
A New Kid on the Block [32c3]Katharina NocunThe leading social networks are the powerful new gatekeepers of the digital age. Proprietary de facto standards of the dominant companies have lead to the emergence of virtual “information silos” that can barely communicate with one another. Has Diaspora really lost the war? Or is there still a chance to succeed?2015-12-3001:02:57Ficha
On Computing Numbers, with an Application to Problems of our Society [32c3]Stefan WehrmeyerJournalists, while structurally and economically under threat, are bringing computer science into their newsrooms. Their tools and techniques benefit from computer science in areas such as databases, graph analysis and machine learning and allow journalists to tackle new kinds of stories.2015-12-3000:30:44Ficha
The Price Of Dissent [32c3]CAGE & Cerie BullivantCAGE exists to highlight abuses of the War on Terror. It has uncovered many secrets of governments that they would like to remain secret, and is now one of the most targeted organisations in the UK. Hear how the state attempts to suppress dissent, and yet we manage to speak out.2015-12-2901:02:57Ficha
Satellite Imagery in Agriculture [cccamp15]Lisa GutermuthSatellite imagery has been used since the 1960s to monitor agricultural activities at a national and international level. It is only now that the image quality and cost feasibility have made satellite imagery available to individual farmers in application to crop quality analysis, yield prediction, and other measures related to precision farming. Farmers can now pinpoint problem areas of their fields and address them on the spot, rather than blanketly spraying fertilizer and pesticides, which has the potential for environmental and economic benefits. However, this development has launched agriculture into new territory ridden with issues of privacy, data protection, and autonomy of farm inputs and activities. This is a discussion of the state of affairs in agricultural earth observation and what we can do to ensure that it is used for improved practices and not against the producers of our food.2015-08-1700:30:47Ficha
Resisting Surveillance: it's is not just about the metadata [cccamp15]"Lily", harryhalpin and JasonThis talk is given by three activists who were all targeted by UK police spy Mark Kennedy and who have direct personal experience of that and other physical surveillance. It will look at experiences of infiltration of social justice movements by the state and private contractors and some of our responses.2015-08-1601:00:21Ficha
Bugged Files - Is Your Document Telling on You? [cccamp15]Daniel "unicornFurnace" CrowleyCertain file formats, like Microsoft Word and PDF, are known to have features that allow for outbound requests to be made when the file opens. Other file formats allow for similar interactions but are not well-known for allowing such functionality. In this talk, we explore various file formats and their ability to make outbound requests, as well as what that means from a security and privacy perspective. Most interestingly, these techniques are not built on mistakes, but intentional design decisions, meaning that they will not be fixed as bugs. From data loss prevention to de-anonymization to request forgery to NTLM credential capture, this presentation will explore what it means to have files that communicate to various endpoints when opened2015-08-1600:46:39Ficha
Drones, ships, pills and the Internet [cccamp15]Rebecca GompertsWomen on Waves and Women on Web, 2 non profit organisations use all possible loopholes and undetermined legal spaces to make sure that also women in countries where abortion is illegal can access safe abortion services.2015-08-1500:54:26Ficha
Mexican Botnet Dirty Wars [cccamp15]Erin GallagherPeñabots have been active in Mexican networks since the 2012 presidential elections. Named after President Enrique Peña Nieto, armies of bots have become a political weapon to combat protests and attack critics of the Mexican government online. Bots are waging a dirty war in Mexican social media. They are weaponized censors that silence dissent and cover up crimes.2015-08-1500:28:51Ficha
Executable Documentation for everyone (even you)Nikolas MartensSometimes good documentation makes the difference between just another dead github repository and a successful, widely used library. But writing documentation is tedious and boring and maintaining it ten times so. But wrong documentation is sometimes worse than none so updating it is even more important than writing it.

If only there was a way to write documentation of software systems that validates itself, making sure it doesn't lies. But wait, there is! Every automated test program is a piece of self-validating documentation. The only thing missing now is a way to make it accessible and understandable for everybody, not only technical experts. This is where 'dox' comes into play - a tool that publishes test code in a pleasant-to-read form. So let me show how, together with some good engineering practices, your wildest (documentation) dreams can come true.
Is your data secure by default?
Didi HoffmannThis talk will detail the different threats a web application faces today and how different types of encryption can solve many of these problems. We will discuss the whole web-stack and show various technologies to deploy secure encryption. The main focus will be on using Django as a web-frontent in a highly distributed and load optimised environment.2014-08-2301:03:47Ficha

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